In the golden days of TV moms who stayed home all day vacuuming the house while wearing pearls, cooking special meals, and doling out wise advice to the kids when dad wasn't around, meals could take all day and could involve intricate steps. Those shows were reflections of the real world. Modern people have a lot more going on in their lives. Mothers, and fathers who now take on a large part of the cooking chore, look for easy fast dinner recipes that can get the same TV mom results with a lot less real person effort. The Pilgrims didn't have a good source for such simplicity in food, but they didn't have the Internet either. Easy cooking is easy to find online with search engines like Yahoo and Google.
A steak can be a whole week of meals. Make different meals with different side dishes. Take a trip around the world with rotating spices. Start with one large flank steak. On Monday serve steak with roasted potatoes and a salad. Make Fajitas on Tuesday with some salsa and hot spices. Rice, some Teriyaki sauce and steamed vegetables make Wednesday an Asian day. Add asparagus on Thursday and smash the potatoes. Go for Gyros on Friday with pita and Greek spices. That's the whole week accomplished all from one main meat.
You want the steak to go even further? Pull out the plates we're going in. Give a whirl to steak salad wraps with horseradish sauce, or try bean salad and flanked steak . Put another meat into the mix for more variety. Pork can be a roast, or ribs, or chops. That's a lot of eating.
With a little clever planning all the meals for the week can be cooked on the weekend, then heated and served in minutes. Save money by buying in bulk while working off a monthly menu. Let the kids get involved. Put them in charge for a week. Give each family member a turn.
Easy fast dinner recipes do exist.
Find more on cooking, recipes and dining here Mystery Dinner Theatre
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